WIN Breaker Scholarship
This scholarship is for minority young ladies ages 16-18 years of age who are high school seniors or entering their first year of college. Applications must be submitted by the young lady interested in the scholarship by submitting a one-page double spaced essay regarding the following question:
The "Glass Ceiling" refers to a term used when describing the prevention of women and minorities from excelling in management or corporate positions. What other inequalities do you still think exist for minority women and what can you do to help shatter the glass? Attention must be given to spelling and punctuation.
Applications are accepted between January 1st-April 30th. The amount of the scholarship is $250.00 and the recipient is encouraged to utilize the funds for graduation, prom or college expenses. One winner is selected per year. Additional winners may be selected in the same year based on the organizations sponsorships and/or fundraising outcomes.
All submissions must be emailed to with WIN Breaker Scholarship and applicant's name in the subject line for consideration.
WIN Breaker Grant
This grant is for women 19 years of age and older who may be experiencing a minor financial hardship. The grant can be used for support of expenses related to daycare, utilities, emergency food, etc. If a request for an expense such as a utility payment is submitted, it is WIN's policy to make payments directly to the entity.
Grant amounts vary and are awarded throughout the year. The award criteria is based on available funds and the applicant's explanation and proof of need. Only one submission per year, per applicant. Applicants are eligible to submit a request for assistance twice in a calendar year. If the applicant is awarded based on their first submission, their second submission will not be honored. This will provide other applicants the opportunity to be awarded.
All submissions must be emailed to with WIN Breaker Grant and applicant's name in the subject line for consideration. In addition, proof of financial hardship must also be submitted.
The Regina Award
The Regina Award honors a woman who demonstrates outstanding qualities in her personal life and/or her professional career. She is deserving of recognition for her leadership, determination, resilience, positivity and truly inspirational life experiences. She exemplifies the woman WIN strives to empower every woman to be; a prolific member of society who overcomes adversity while in pursuit of her goals and aspirations. The Regina Award is rewarded annually at our Mother's Day event during the month of May. Applications are accepted between February 1st-April 21st. All applications are reviewed beginning April 22nd and the applicant will be notified in advance if WIN chooses the woman they have chose to be their Regina Award recipient. Both the applicant and recipient must attend the Mother's Day event. Each year our award packages vary based on the sponsorships received from our donors and our fundraising events.